This online Illinois driving test practice, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for the DMV Illinois written test that is required before you can get your driver’s license.

Rules 4

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The center left turn lane may be used for:

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A solid line at the left of your lane means:

3 / 30

If another vehicle is trying to pass you on the left, you should:

4 / 30

When the light is red, you may make a right turn after:

5 / 30

You are required to stop your vehicle:

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If you're driving on a freeway and a vehicle is attempting to merge into your lane, you should:

7 / 30

If you see orange construction signs and cones on an expressway, you must:

8 / 30

When waiting to turn left, which way should you have your tires pointed?

9 / 30

Who must stop when a school bus, with flashing red lights, is stopped on a four lane road with no median separation?

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If you are in an intersection waiting to turn left and the light turns yellow, you should:

11 / 30

Crosswalks are always:

12 / 30

When should you use your car's signals?

13 / 30

When approaching a stop sign where there is no stop line or marked crosswalk at the intersection:

14 / 30

When turning left onto a one way road with two lanes you must:

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If someone is tailgating you, you should:

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What should you do if you are driving and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you?

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A U-turn is not permitted:

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If you are on the other side of a divided highway coming toward a school bus with flashing red lights you should:

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If a vehicle in front of you is stopped at a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, you should:

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Speed limit signs indicate the maximum speed during ideal conditions

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A traffic light which has a green arrow and a red light means that:

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Why is it necessary to shoulder-check when changing lanes?

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Passing using the unpaved shoulder is:

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What might you see on a highway that tells you that the lane you are in may force you to turn?

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If your car has air bags, you should use your seatbelt:

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In a construction area what is a 'flagger'...?

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A school bus is stopped on a 2 way undivided road with flashing red lights, you must:

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If two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time, the right-of-way should be given to:

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You are driving down a two lane road where there is a bicyclist to your right and oncoming traffic approaching on the left. What is the best strategy to pass the bicyclist safely?

30 / 30

Which of the following has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection when the light is green?

Your score is


If you have completed a defensive driving course, you may be able to save on your auto insurance premiums when buying a new or used car either by financing, leasing or through bank car loan.

Regulatory traffic signs instruct drivers what they should, or should not do, in certain circumstances. You will be asked to identify roadway signs on the Illinois Permit Test.

Practice For The Illinois Drivers Test

The last step towards obtaining your license in the state of Illinois will be passing the DMV road test. Anyone getting their license for the first time must take this test to demonstrate their capability of operating an automobile. The road test will determine both your abilities and your knowledge of the rules of the road. Many of the same things you’ve seen on the written test will be applied here. In order to pass on your first try, you’ll definitely need a fair amount of practice.

Most DMV drivers tests come in two parts, a basic maneuver course and an on-the-road evaluation. For the first, you’ll be asked to perform a number of maneuvers including three-point turns, parallel parking, and braking. You should practice all these maneuvers yourself to the point where you can perform them without making any corrections. Once this section of the test is completed, the examiner will direct you onto the open road for the next phase of the evaluation. Here, you’ll be directed through most of the different traffic situations you’ll need to understand in order to be a sufficient driver. You’ll be tested on following speed limits, using your turn signals and mirrors, stopping at stop lights and stop signs, switching lanes appropriately, and other necessary aspects of safe vehicle driving. As always, practicing beforehand is the best way to ensure your success. Make sure to practice driving with a permit as much as possible to get a feel for the ways of the road. With enough effort, proper driving will be second nature to you by the time you take the actual test.

At Driver Knowledge, we’re dedicated to providing you with the knowledge you need to pass any driving test on the first try. Visit us to learn more and take advantage of our free learning resources.