If you have completed a defensive driving course, you may be able to save on your auto insurance premiums when buying a new or used car either by financing, leasing or through a bank car loan.
Regulatory traffic signs instruct drivers what they should, or should not do, in certain circumstances. You will be asked to identify roadway signs on the New Jersey Permit Test.
The Smart Way to Practice for the New Jersey Driver's Test
Preparing for your driver’s test in New Jersey is often both a thrilling and stressful experience. There’s a lot to learn before you can take to the open roads, but don’t panic! Practicing for your test will take hard work, but when you take advantage of a few proven study methods you will quickly find yourself a licensed driver.
Continually Refresh Your Basic Driving Knowledge
New Jersey’s driving permit exam covers critically important knowledge to ensure you’re ready for the open road. It’s a challenging exam, but it is also important; the New Jersey Driver’s manual covers everything from safe driving rules & regulations to defensive driving and more. The test is designed to keep you — and others — alive, so don’t skimp on studying. Don’t just use the manual; take advantage of online learning resources like practice tests. However, choose wisely when you select a practice test; the practice tests offered by Driver Knowledge are free, are tailored specifically to your state’s standards, are kept up to date, and are designed to be both challenging and informative. Even after you have passed your permit test, you should continue to refresh that basic knowledge throughout the years that you continue to drive. It may save your life.
Develop Practical Driving Skills as “Building Blocks”
Building the knowledge to pass a driver’s permit exam is only the first step towards the highway; before you can grab the keys and enjoy your new freedom, you have to develop the real-life skills to maneuver your vehicle through road conditions that are often treacherous. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Company lists a series of nine driving skills that you will be tested on, including driving in reverse, stopping at appropriate signs, nearing intersections, stopping smoothly, and more. The test may sound daunting, but the key is to tackle the list in building-block style. Consider the first skill to be the foundation “block” of your driver’s abilities. Driving in reverse is something that can easily be practiced in a driveway or a parking lot, where there is little traffic and the stress level is manageable. Once you have that skill block under your belt, you can advance to the next, and then the next, and so on down through the list. If you take each skill one at a time, you’ll find that each new skill “block” supports the next, making your task easier.
Are you feeling overwhelmed at the thought of tackling your driver’s permit exam or your driver’s test? You are not alone! At Driver Knowledge, we are dedicated to helping you build your essential knowledge to become a smart and skillful driver. Contact us, and let us help you practice for your written exam, research your state’s guidelines, and pass your test with flying colors.