If you have completed a defensive driving course, you may be able to save on your auto insurance premiums when buying a new or used car either by financing, leasing or through a bank car loan.
Regulatory traffic signs instruct drivers what they should, or should not do, in certain circumstances. You will be asked to identify roadway signs on the New Jersey Permit Test.
New Jersey's MVC Knowledge Test
In the state of New Jersey, you’ll need to pass the MVC’s Knowledge Test in order to obtain your permit. Once you’ve passed this test, you’ll be able to drive with a licensed adult over the age of 21. It’s a crucial step towards eventually taking the road test and acquiring your permanent driver’s license. A thorough and precise understanding of basic road rules and vehicle operation will be necessary in order to successfully pass this test.
The Knowledge Test contains a total of 50 questions. You must answer at least 80% (40 out of 50) of these questions correctly in order to pass. The questions vary from general knowledge about state driving laws, motor vehicle operation, and essential safe-driving practices. All information needed to ensure a passing grade can be found in the state’s Driver Manual.
Before taking the test, you’ll need to visit a driver testing center with 6 points of identification and purchase an examination permit. You’ll also need to have a fairly decent understanding of New Jersey driving laws and basic motor vehicle operations. Studying the NJ Driver Manual is a good start to make sure you have the necessary information. The best way to prepare yourself is by taking a pre-test. By studying the material and applying it in practice beforehand, you’ll be as prepared for the actual test as you ever could be. Remembering essential information is made easier after you’ve experienced the test in practice.
Driver Knowledge is here every step of the way to ensure you pass every test on the first try. Our resources are open to anyone on the way towards obtaining their license and becoming a fully legal driver. Before you take the MVC’s knowledge test, be sure to give one of our pre-tests a try and give yourself the best opportunity for success.